Calculated Field from Control Value?


I have a need to create a difference between two fields. Simple to do at face value but caveat is that I need one variable in the difference calculation to change (via the value of a control). See example below. (Note: I have an analysis with visuals working correctly off the control value but the below is the last piece I need for my dashboard.)

Control = Player_1

Visual: Year, All_Players, All_Players_Age, PLAYER_1_AGE, Age_Difference

The idea here is that I need to create a field (unless there’s a better idea) that will display the (constant) “PLAYER_1_AGE” for all rows within the visual. I.e.

Year, All_Players, All_Players_Age, PLAYER_1_AGE, Age_Difference
2023, Player X, 24, 20, 4
2023, Player Y, 18, 20, -2
2023, Player Z, 50, 20, 30

Any thoughts?

Can you try and do something like this?
