Creating period comparisons with QuickSight's periodOver and periodTo functions

Hi, @Steph. Thanks for the followup. The purpose of the periodOverPeriodLastValue calculation was to create a symmetrical runningSum comparison month-over-month-over-month, said another way comparing the same number of days in each period. In your example, taking it one step further by having another runningSum column for the prior month and month offset. Therefore, on a visual, you would have three lines, showing the runningSum up to a specific day (the 8th for each respective month for example), giving you a like-to-like-to-like comparison (essentially overlaying each period).

The formula I used achieved this (screenshot below) but occasionally (rare) threw misleading numbers at the end of a period (skipped a day). I ultimately wanted to confirm my approach. We’ve made great strides with QuickSight and appreciate the support.

Numbers anonymized

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