Help Needed: Visualizing Document Verification Failures by Check Status Combinations

Hey Quicksight community ,

I am a newbie in the world of visualisation and am stuck with something which i find hard to do in quicksight.

i have 7 fields , each field is a status of different kind of checks being done on documents for verification , 1 of the field is the main status , that shows whether the test has failed or passed and the other 6 status can either pass or fail and the combination or even one being failed can cause the main status to fail(Assumption). Based on this i want to visualize this for my client where i can show him all the the count of documents which failed for each check (If only one check failed for a particular check) or combinations.

For example a visualisation where it shows 6 documents failed due to face mismatch being failed + PII info being mismatch , 4 documents failed overall check cause just face mismatch failed, 3 failed due to combination of 3 checks, 9 failed due to all checks failing.

Appreciate any help i can get as am stuck here.

Hi @Kokka,

Welcome to the community! Thanks for posting your question!

For your scenario, you’ll need to create a visual that shows the breakdown of failures based on the various check combinations.

Here’s an example of a calculated field that captures all possible combinations, including those where everything passes.

Example: (Syntax may vary)

  {Check1}='Fail' AND {Check2}='Fail' AND {Check3}='Fail', concat(Check1,'-',Check2,'-',Check3),
  {Check1}='Fail' AND {Check2}='Fail', concat(Check1,'-',Check2),
  {Check1}='Fail', Check1,
  {Check2}='Fail', Check2,
{Check1}='Pass' AND {Check2}='Pass' AND {Check3}='Pass', 'All Checks Passed',
  'Other Combinations'


    {Check1}='Fail' AND {Check2}='Fail' AND {Check3}='Fail', 'Check1+Check2+Check3 Failed',
    {Check1}='Fail' AND {Check2}='Fail', 'Check1+Check2 Failed',
    {Check1}='Fail', 'Check1 Failed',
    {Check2}='Fail', 'Check2 Failed',
    {Check1}='Pass' AND {Check2}='Pass' AND {Check3}='Pass', 'All Checks Passed',
    'Other Combinations'

Please refer the below QuickSight documentations this might be helpful for you.

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This is seems to fix my issues , but is there anyway for this to be more dynamic , because as of now if i am to add a new status check , i would need to come and change the calculated field manually to add the new combinations that can occur as well.

Thank you so much for your help. Cheers

Also to mention , i have other major failure checks to visualize with more than 10+ check combination that needs to be visualized

Hi @Kokka

You can handle all the combination checks in a calculated field, but you will need to edit the calculated field each time you add new failure or pass combinations.

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Hi @Kokka,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you. Did you have any additional questions regarding your initial topic?
If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @Kokka,
Since we haven’t heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new topic in the community and link this discussion for any relevant information that may be needed.

Thank you!