How to deploy using start-asset-bundle-import-job to several namespaces?

Hello @alltej, I apologize for the delay in the response. This required a bit of digging on my end but I found some awesome documentation related to namespaces. From what I can tell, bear with me here, it seems like the best solution will be to create user groups that will be linked to the users in a namespace. That group will contain the dashboard permissions and then that group can get set to the namespace.

This is the command I was seeing that might be the most relevant:

***Scenario 2: User Sharing Dashboard to Group***

aws quicksight update-dashboard-permissions --aws-account-id ############ --dashboard-id ‘123a6402-7c8e-4e50-8142-52a5bc46f4f4’ --grant-permissions Principal=‘arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:############:group/namespace-1/Group-4’,Actions=‘quicksight:DescribeDashboard,quicksight:QueryDashboard,quicksight:ListDashboardVersions’

I’ll link the rest of the article here because I think this will be really helpful to you. I hope this helps!