How to display Rank / % of the group after filtering

Hi @Liz -

You can use LAC-W functions for this.

Here’s an example for some common use cases.

Step 1 - Create a calculated field for the YTD amount per vendor. This uses a LAC-W sumOver for partition year, and vendor.

sumOver(amt,[truncDate('YYYY',dt),vendorname], PRE_FILTER)

Step 2 - Create a calculated field that assigns a row number across your percentilerank dimension

// use rank function as row_number over vendor name
rank([dt DESC],[vendorname], PRE_FILTER)

Step 3 - Create a calculated field using the percentileRank LAC-W function. This does not have “Over” in the name but it is a LAC-W. The partition is the row number.


percentileRank([{c_vendor_ytd_amt} ASC], [{c_vendor_rn}], PRE_FILTER)

Step 4 - This is an alt. calculation if you a symmetric percentile range (0-1 or what you see in Excel)


100*(rank([{c_vendor_ytd_amt} ASC],[{c_vendor_rn}],PRE_FILTER)-1)/(distinctCountOver(vendorname,[],PRE_FILTER)-1)

Step 5 - Filter your visual to only include 1 row per dimension.

If you are using the symmetric calc you can put this in c_vendor_ytd_amt with no filter needed.

ifelse({c_vendor_rn}=1,sumOver(amt,[truncDate('YYYY',dt),vendorname], PRE_FILTER),null)

Step 6 - Create a calculated field to show the vendor rank

rank([{c_vendor_ytd_amt} DESC],[{c_vendor_rn}],PRE_FILTER)

Step 7 - Create calculated field for the grand total of all vendors

sumOver(amt,[truncDate('YYYY',dt)], PRE_FILTER)

Step 8 - Create a calculated field for your percent of total



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