How to duplicate the dashboard using aws sdk?

How to duplicate the dashboard using aws sdk?

How you can do that via AWS SDK QuickSight.Model (so NOT via the GUI dashboard)?

Hi there,

You can duplicate a dashboard in the following way:

  1. Create a template of the dashboard using the CreateTemplate API.
  2. You can create either a new analysis or dashboard from the template using the CreateAnalysis and CreateDashboard APIs.

Let me know if you have any questions.

@robkc can you please tell me why we need to create template before creating dashboard or analysis can we not simply use the definition for creation.

@AhmedMalik thanks for flagging this.

Since my original response we released the analysis definition functionality. This can now also be used to manage duplication of resources - see here for a walk-through.

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Thanks @robkc for updating this.