Last page pagination contril

Hi. Is there a way to default a visual to show the last page each time the visual reloads? also anyway to add last page button on a visual?

Hi, @a2go. Welcome to the QuickSight Community, and thanks so much for posting your question! :slight_smile:

Due to the US holiday, our team will review this question on Monday. In the meantime, we encourage anyone form the Community to reply.

Are you talking about the pages on your chart?

To go to the last page you can click on the double arrows

In regards to defaulting to show the last page, that is not possible. The only way you could do that would be to sort it the opposite way so that the last page becomes the first page.

Thank you, Max. Unfortunately, looks like the double arrows only available on tabular visuals and not graphs

Ahh that’s unfortunate.

I will mark this as a feature request as that should be something that users can do.