Quicksight Group by & calculated value


I want to have a calculated field run the calculation after group by is done in a pivot table. For eg

2022-Aug-01 , Value1 = 100, Value2 = 2 , Calculated value = 98
2022-aug-01, Value1 = 90, Value2 = 3, calculated value = 96.67

When i do a pivot table I will group by Date, but i don’t want to use Average (97.33) which I don’t want to use, instead I need to Sum(value 1) & Sum(Value2) and apply my calculated value (97.36)

Please let me know

Hey Musthafa, can you please elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? I am not sure what kind of output are you expecting with “instead I need to Sum(value 1) & Sum(Value2) and apply my calculated value (97.36)” ?

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