Show display name on dashboard based on parameter

Hi there. We have a dashboard that takes in a unique GUID as a parameter. This GUID is then applied to a filter so all our data shows the appropriate client.

I’d like to show a text/string representation of the display name of the client associated with the GUID. This way, we get a human readable verification (on the dashboard) of the client we are displaying.

I have a datasource that contains the table that includes the GUID and display name but cannot find an appropriate control or way to configure the parameter to perform this action.

Example below:

  1. Parameter = ‘1234-5678-9012’
  2. Display Name = ‘Client A’

I’d like to have a Text Box type control on the top of the dashbaoard that renders as “Client A”

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@goosh Hi
I don’t think you can do this.
can’t imagine BI can have scripting allowed for displaying conditional titles.

Hi @goosh
What if you are creating a table visual with the “display name” field and filter the table on parameter?

Hi @goosh
could you find a solution?

hi @goosh

We hope ErikG’s workaround worked for you. Let us know. And if it did, please help the community by marking this answer as a “Solution".

kind regards,

Hello @goosh !

It has been some time since we have heard from you. If we do not hear from you in the next 3 business days this topic will be archived.