When selecting the multi-select of numbers with comma seoarator, dashboard is not loading in the web page. It is loading for all and single number

Hi @Tejasai,
Are you able to show us the filters that are setup from the analysis view?
If you only have access to the dashboard, I would suggest reaching out to the owner of the dashboard as they will have to be the one to make an adjustment.

Hi @Brett , I’m the one who is creating the dashboards and checking from the client side.
The values are passing like these as in the image.

Hi @Tejasai,
So in your first visual, you had a drop down select and the second, you’re using a text field; confirming that you’re trying to use a text field with comma separator?

Additionally, let’s look at your actual filter setup, I assume you’re trying to filter by all 4 of those controls, for now let’s look at either the application ID or phone number as those look to be text fields. Can you show me this view for one of those:

One quick note to consider, normally when dealing with something like this, the format that you input your values does matter as it’s case sensitive per say.

Can you include some additional information as to what you’re inputting in to which control and what’s being returned?

HI @Brett , these are the filer, parameter, control values I’m using for the dashboard.

Hi @Tejasai,
Which control is being handled by ‘ControllerDataId’, did you rename it to Application ID or Phone Number?
If not, then you’re only receiving one value in return because there’s no ability for the user to select more than one ‘ControllerDataID’, it will only grab the default value that’s been set when building the parameter.

Do you have filters setup on your visual for the other controls as well?