Hi Team, For the first time i am doing a bit calculations in Quicksight?
I am having a Date, Products, Sales
I want calculate: Pls
Sales of last 30 Day Sales
Sales of Rolling sum of last 30 days
Previous 6 Months Sales
Rolling Previous 5 Months Sales
Sales of last 30 Day Sales
Sales of Rolling sum of last 30 days
Previous 6 Months Sales
Rolling Previous 5 Months Sales
The above calculations will work based on the Date Range Slicer?
Hi @Venkat.Metadata
You can refer to this article for the computations of this nature. Please note that when you use this approach you are filtering data in the calculated field definition itself and should not filter the visual with the date range.
Hi @lbl You can use the Relative Dates on the parameters (may need to make more parameters) to automatically default to a given date that represents the time period, and can use those in your table headers. It’s not as flexible as being able to write your own calculated logic, but you should be able to get most time periods represented using this (prefix each with ‘Month of’ or ‘Week of’, then put the parameter there…