Case 1: home dashboard → click link another dashboard → click Back button browser → home dashboard (working fine) Case 2: home dashboard → click action another dashboard(on visual) → click Back button browser → refused to connect.
I think because Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin Only sends the origin (the domain) of the referring URL, not the full path and query string.
But both link another dashboard and action another dashboard have the same URL, why does Case1 work while Case2 is encountering an error? May you help me, please?
Hello @tungxen, my apologies for the delayed response. Is this still an issue you are facing on your embedded dashboards? I was running some tests on my end to try to figure it out. I am curious, when you click the link through the url action and look at the navigation tab, are you seeing something like this appended to the request URL? -
Based on my experience, I think maintaining the link through the Link text box rather than the url action might just be the best route to avoid this issue. If I find any other options in my testing I will let you know!