Accessibility compliance and theming

  1. We need to ensure all the applications we provide our clients are accessible and adhere to the WCAG AA Guidelines. Could anyone point me at somewhere where I can find out what accessibility testing has been done on QuickSight applications?
  1. Secondly, we create software for our clients, who are used to seeing things in their brand. QuickSight sits alongside other functionality within our products, and we want it to look seamless with the rest of the experience (fonts, chart colour palete, form control styling, etc). Do you have any guidance on dynamic theming based on a brand?

Thanks in advance.


@nick_elliott QuickSight doesn’t have a public post about accessibility yet. WCAG 2.1 adherence on dashboards especially on visualizations are interpreted differently by customers. Is there a QuickSight account support person you can engage with who can help with your specific application needs?
Regarding themes - have you looked at QuickSight themes ? You should be able to create a theme associated with a brand and publish dashboards with it. There are theme APIs also if you want to automate some of your workflows.


Thank you Shekhar. That’s really helpful.

Yes, I’m going to bring the subject of accessibility up with our account manager. Coincidentally we have a session booked for next week, so will try and remember to add their response here afterwards.

Thank you very much for the links. at a cursory look the theme APIs maybe what we are after, but we’ll have to do some experimentation.

Thanks again!