Hi @n_vetri,
This question is related to the addFilterGroups method that you showed in the embedding SDK demo today. I’m trying to better understand the use case for this method. Is it an alternative way to apply RLS?
Hi @n_vetri,
This question is related to the addFilterGroups method that you showed in the embedding SDK demo today. I’m trying to better understand the use case for this method. Is it an alternative way to apply RLS?
Hi @David_Wong,
I’ll let @n_vetri provide more detail, but in short, RLS is applied to the dataset using user or tag-based rules, for an overview of where the new runtime filtering methods are applicable see this blog post, noting these examples:
make integrations between your application and embedded QuickSight dashboards and visuals seamless…
create custom filter controls in your application, apply filter presets based on data from your application, and personalize filter configurations for users
Hi @David_Wong
Its not for RLS. It is to improve embedded dashboard experience based on role or personalization setting. For example, there are 10 dimensions available to filter the data. you do not have to build all these filters in the dashboard at the time of design but rather enable it based on user’s preference or role.
Same applies for dynamic actions we demonstrated as well.