Adding common filter for 3 different charts


I have the below sample data.

COL1 COL2 COL3 COL1_Arrival COL2_Arrival COL3_Arrival COL1_Departure COL2_Departure COL3_Departure
2024-02-04 15:00:00+00:00 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
2024-02-04 16:00:00+00:00 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE

In my Quicksight analysis:

  1. I am using COL1, COL2 and COL3 in a line chart.
  2. I am using COL1_Arrival, COL2_Arrival, COL3_Arrival in a scatter plot.
  3. I am using COL1_Departure, COL2_Departure, COL3_Departure in another scatter plot.

Now I want to use a common filter dropdown or text filter where I can select data related to each COL in all 3 charts at once.

For example, if I select COL1 in filter, I want to get line chart with COL1 data, scatter plot with COL1_Arrival data and another scatter plot with COL1_Departure data.

For the linechart I have added filter by creating a parameter followed by a calculated field and used that field in the line chart (as suggested in the below thread Filters for line chart)

Now I am struggling with adding the filter for all my charts. Is this even possible? Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

Many thanks,


Check this one may help you.

check this video too

Naveed Ali