Adding Dynamic Naming based on Actions

Continuing the discussion from Custom Actions:

Hello @Gent_Zhubi, I am going to add the comment you put in the previous post so it is searchable with this topic.

Is there also a way to link actions with parameters? I want to be able to change the name of the table dynamically, everytime a user selects a row (costumer) in the other table?

You can link actions with parameters, but it would need to be with a navigation action. You can set that action to the sheet you are on, add the parameter you want to update, and then choose the field you want to determine the value. The fields in your visual will display in the “Set parameter value” dropdown with "Field: " appended in the name.

Thank you @DylanM, this worked!

Right now for a visual, I’m using two actions, one for filtering, and one for setting the parameter name with an navigation action as you mentioned. However, it looks like the select action is limited to 1, and I cannot use these two actions simultaneously, and I want the user to filter the other table and change its name by just one click. Is there a way around it?

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Hello @Gent_Zhubi, since you are using the parameter to add the customer name to the table, just set the filter on that table for customer to be linked to the parameter value as well. That should account for both use cases!

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