Amazon CloudWatch Logs Analysis using Amazon Athena & Amazon QuickSight

Use Case and Problem

This article shows how to use Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Athena to analyze CloudWatch Logs.


  • Amazon Account with necessary permissions to create and access the required services.
    Ex: Amazon S3 , Athena, Amazon QuickSight & CloudWatch access.
  • Amazon CloudWatch logs are already configured and have data to analyze.

Step by Step Solution

Step 1: Set up Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Step 2: Create an Athena Table for CloudWatch Logs

  • Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Amazon Athena service.
  • In the Athena Query Editor, click on the “Settings” icon and ensure that the query result location is set to a valid S3 bucket (e.g., “s3://your-bucket-name/athena-results/”).
  • Create a new table that points to your CloudWatch logs data. In the Athena Query Editor, execute the following SQL query to create the table.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE cloudwatch_logs (
    `timestamp` timestamp,
    `message` string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
    'serialization.format' = '1',
    'input.regex' = '^(\\S+)\\s+(.*)$'
LOCATION 's3://s3bucketname/';

Step 3: Query CloudWatch Logs Using Athena

  • Now that your table is set up, you can query your CloudWatch logs data using Athena.
    For example:

    • SELECT timestamp, log_group, log_stream, message
      FROM my_cloudwatch_logs
      WHERE log_group = ‘access_log’
      LIMIT 10

Step 4: Set up Amazon QuickSight

  • Navigate to the Amazon QuickSight service in the AWS Management Console.
  • Click on Datasets from left navigation and then choose New dataset.
  • Choose “Athena” as the data source.
  • Select your Athena database and the table you created in Step 2.
  • Click “Edit/Preview Data” to review and customize the data if necessary.

Step 5: Create Visualizations in Amazon QuickSight

  • Once your dataset is ready, create a new analysis.
  • Choose the dataset you created earlier.
  • Start building visualizations by selecting the appropriate chart types and dimensions.
  • Customize the visuals and add filters as needed.

Step 6: Share and Publish Dashboards (Optional)

  • After creating your visualizations, you can share the dashboard with others within your organization, or publish it to the web for wider access.

Code sample: Git Repository


That’s it! You now have a step-by-step guide on how to analyze AWS CloudWatch logs using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight.

Author Bio


Lasantha Sanjeewa Silva is an AWS Community Builder and Cloud DevOps Enthusiast.