Amazon QuickSight launches data bars for tables

Amazon QuickSight now supports data bars for tables. Data bars are essentially bar charts displayed for a given column, where the bar length specifies the magnitude of the cell value relative to the range of values in the same column. Data bars make it easier to read and compare values and quickly spot outliers. You can set data bars for only numeric fields and set color for both positive and negatives values separately. More details can be found here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

When will data bars be upgraded to allow setting a max and min value? For example, I have % progress and want to display a column that visually demonstrates progress towards 100%. If there’s no anchor value at 100%, it shows the current max value as ‘full’. This really doesn’t meet the visualization purpose. Same question on heatmaps as that’s thrown my users issues as well.



Hi @SYork,

This is a good point. I would suggest posting it as a question and tagging it as a feature request.


Hi @amazonquicksight ,
Any new about @SYork suggestion?
The way the data bars are currently displayed in the table can be confusing.

Thank you!

Hi @SYork & @Jose_Maria,
If you’re looking to create a feature request, I would suggest creating a new post under the QA section of the Community. This is the area where QuickSight users can collaborate as well as make feature requests!