Amazon QuickSight launches Highcharts visual (preview)

Amazon QuickSight now offers Highcharts visuals, enabling authors to create custom visualizations using the Highcharts Core library. This new feature extends your visualization capabilities beyond QuickSight's standard chart offerings, allowing you to create bespoke charts such as sunburst charts, network graphs, 3D charts and many more.

Using declarative JSON syntax , authors can configure charts with greater flexibility and granular customization. You can easily reference QuickSight fields and themes in the JSON using QuickSight expressions. The integrated code editor includes contextual assistance features, providing autocomplete and real-time validation to ensure proper configuration. To maintain security, the Highcharts visual editor prevents the injection of CSS and JavaScript. Refer documentation for supported list of JSON and QuickSight expressions

Highcharts visual is now available in all supported Amazon QuickSight regions - US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Jakarta, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Milan, Paris, Stockholm, Zurich), South America (SĆ£o Paulo) and AWS GovCloud (US-West). To learn more about the Highcharts visual and how to leverage its capabilities in your QuickSight dashboards, visit our documentation.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi Team, Iā€™m really excited to see this feature! Iā€™ve been waiting for the last 3 months. Could we have a detailed blog post on the QuickSight Highchrts"

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash


I found a blog covering each of the new features that were announced on Nov 22:


Thank you so much @David_Wong

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The Highchart code editor seems oddly fragile and a bit dysfunctional.

I can try to edit my chart via the code, find Iā€™ve broken it (nothing is now displayed) and then edit the code back to exactly how it was - but the chart doesnā€™t revert to a working state.

Even more oddly - I CAN revert my change by clicking the ā€œUndoā€ button a few times - but the undo that reverts the chart to previous working state also undoes whatever unrelated change I made to the analysis at the same time.

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@Jerb you would need to hit Apply for the changes to reflect everytime. Let me know if you still face issues

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Thanks @David_Wong for surfacing this up! And thanks @Bchadha @ArunSanthosh and @salim for authoring the blog post!

This is a much waited feature, excited to try these out.
The DemoCentral Guide covers a lot of interesting visuals!!

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Hey @amazonquicksight

I am so excited about the new mapping functionalities! This is a really great enhancement of the product; thanks to the product team for working on this awesome feature!

While we got some first new visuals set up I came to the point where we urgently need enhanced geospatial capabilities. I know about the new layer map, but what would be of high importance for us whould be the capability to display complex geo data on one map (such as (multi)lines in conjunction with points) including actions to other visuals.

Right now the Highchart core library is embedded.
Is there an outlook if the maps library will follow soon?


@Sascha we are considering adding points and line support for layer maps using geojson. I dont have an ETA but expanding highcharts visuals to supports highmaps, gantt are also in consideration.
Can you elaborate more on your geospatial usecase?

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@Bchadha thanks for the update on planned lines and points in the Layer Map :slight_smile:

Regarding the usecase, which comes from the logistics industry, we need to (interactively) visualize route data from customer orders to show the driven routes and customer locations on the map.
Here is what would be the ideal state:

  • Having points on the map for the start and end point of a route
  • Having multilines on the map for displaying the driving route (not just a straight line)
  • Ability to cluster the points (as available in the ā€œPoints on Map visualā€) depending on the zoom level
  • Ability to use all spatial elements als actionable items (such as ā€˜filterable from other visualsā€™, ā€˜can filter other visualsā€™ etc.)

Beside this usecase requirements I could think of these features that would be awesome:

  • Instead of uploading a geojson file it would be much more convenient to source the accoring geospatial data directly from spatial fields out of datasets
    (if not feasable it would be essential to update the geojson file via API)
  • Ability to have multiple layers and to connect them to differrent datasets
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Thank you @Sascha for your feedback!


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Hi, is it possible to add a scrollbar on the highchart. Sometimes we have a bar chart with 100 unique values in the dimension. In that case we need a scroll bar to see each valueā€™s number clearly.

Also, is it possible to have 2 dimensions in a bar chart? Can anyone help share the code? Thank you.