Amazon QuickSight now supports embedded callback actions

Amazon QuickSight now supports embedded callback actions that can help you integrate your SaaS application with Amazon QuickSight embedded dashboards and visuals. You can use callback actions to build custom workflows and business logic so that your users can take instant action from the application. Developers can now register to datapoint callbacks (ie. slice in a pie chart, bar on a bar chart) through the Embedding SDK. They can then pass the information about that datapoint (ie. value of the slice) to other parts of their application or other services in their workflow. To learn more about embedded workflows, click here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Can we configure these callback actions through QuickSight instead of through SDK? So far, I could able to achieve only URL action through custom visual content. Could you please help me if we can do other actions like flagging a record in a table or writing updates to DB or sending the selected records for further processing?

Yes, an interface to be able to trigger general HTTPS requests as actions via the interface would be highly valuable - currently any parameters must be encoded directly in the URL of a custom visual.

Hi @sandeepshet & @GdooM,
If you are looking to make a feature request, I would suggest visiting the QA section of the Community and creating a new post. This is where QuickSight users can collaborate and make feature requests!