QuickSight Q now supports questions for access restricted datasets that use Row level Security (RLS) with user based rules. Readers can now ask questions about Topics that contain restricted access datasets and instantly receive accurate and pertinent answers based on access control rules defined by authors in RLS settings. Authors can create Q Topics to answer questions on RLS enabled datasets without making any additional changes to existing rules. QuickSight Q leverages existing user based rules defined in RLS settings and enforces these rules not only on answers to questions but also on auto complete suggestions provided at the time of question framing. Therefore, Q Topics created with RLS enabled datasets always surface data that users are granted permission for.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/10/amazon-quicksight-q-access-restricted-datasets-row-level-security-user-based-rules/