An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the CreateIngestion operation: DataSet is not accelerated. Will not refresh

I’m trying to create a lambda function that will refresh my quicksight dataset after my ETL processes is finished (i will use stepfunctions to trigger this lambda)

Here is my code:

import boto3
import time
import sys

client = boto3.client("quicksight")
data_set_map = {}
data_set_map['name'] = [data_set_id]
ingestion_id = [str(int(time.time()))][0]
data_set_id = data_set_map[key][0]

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    while True:
        response = client.describe_ingestion(DataSetId=data_set_id,IngestionId=ingestion_id,AwsAccountId=account_id)
        if response['Ingestion']['IngestionStatus'] in ('INITIALIZED', 'QUEUED', 'RUNNING'):
            time.sleep(10) #change sleep time according to your dataset size
        elif response['Ingestion']['IngestionStatus'] == 'COMPLETED':
            print("refresh completed. RowsIngested {0}, RowsDropped {1}, IngestionTimeInSeconds {2}, IngestionSizeInBytes {3}".format(
            print("refresh failed! - status {0}".format(response['Ingestion']['IngestionStatus']))
    return {
        'state': "success"

I got the error message:

"errorMessage": "An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the CreateIngestion operation: DataSet is not accelerated. Will not refresh. datasetId: data-set-id",
  "errorType": "InvalidParameterValueException",

Someone has the solutions for this?

Hi @rossiedu , hope you are doing good

I believe the dataset for which you are trying to perform a refresh, could be of ‘Direct Query’ mode and not SPICE as such.

Thus, you might be facing the above mentioned issue.

Kindly recheck the query mode of the respective dataset and change it to ‘SPICE’ mode for the above code to get executed successfully with out any issues.

Thank you

I disabled the direct query option in Dataset properties and run normaly.

Thanks @muneersyed

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