An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the UpdateDataSetPermissions operation: Resultant state of ResourcePermissions on this resource is not supported.

When I use aws cli to add group permission to some dataset,

I am getting the following error:

An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the UpdateDataSetPermissions operation: Resultant state of ResourcePermissions on this resource is not supported.
Valid states:

But some dateset was successful.

This is my aws cli command:

aws quicksight --profile default update-data-set-permissions --aws-account-id xxxxxxxxxx --data-set-id ffcabca0-4f0a-4bf1-a2db-4b8e200ab902 --grant-permissions Principal="arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxxxxxx:group/aws003-aspid-5383-namespace/aws003-aspid-5383-default-group",Actions="quicksight:ListIngestions","quicksight:DeleteDataSet","quicksight:UpdateDataSetPermissions","quicksight:CancelIngestion","quicksight:DescribeDataSetPermissions","quicksight:UpdateDataSet","quicksight:DescribeDataSet","quicksight:PassDataSet","quicksight:DescribeIngestion","quicksight:CreateIngestion"

Why does some dataset get this error, and how can I fix it.

Hi @yanbo

I would suggest making a cli skeleton aws quicksight update-data-set-permissions --generate-cli-skeleton

Then filling this json skeleton out and then using

aws quicksight --profile default update-data-set-permissions --cli-input-json <file_of_skeleton>

This helps with syntax errors.

Hi @Max
Thanks for your advice.
But I think the cause of the error is not syntax errors.

I used the same command to two dataset id:
Successful: c452e813-8aee-4564-a58c-4e5967a4fecb

aws quicksight --profile default update-data-set-permissions --data-set-id c452e813-8aee-4564-a58c-4e5967a4fecb --grant-permissions Principal="arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxx:group/aws003-aspid-5383-namespace/aws003-aspid-5383-default-group",Actions="quicksight:ListIngestions","quicksight:DeleteDataSet","quicksight:UpdateDataSetPermissions","quicksight:CancelIngestion","quicksight:DescribeDataSetPermissions","quicksight:UpdateDataSet","quicksight:DescribeDataSet","quicksight:PassDataSet","quicksight:DescribeIngestion","quicksight:CreateIngestion"
    "Status": 200, 
    "DataSetId": "c452e813-8aee-4564-a58c-4e5967a4fecb", 
    "RequestId": "b1478a64-99f8-42cb-86d6-b917ae33ec02", 
    "DataSetArn": "arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxx:dataset/c452e813-8aee-4564-a58c-4e5967a4fecb"

Error: 01fb096d-c012-47cf-b903-7d974f4685fb

aws quicksight --profile default update-data-set-permissions --data-set-id 01fb096d-c012-47cf-b903-7d974f4685fb --grant-permissions Principal="arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxx:group/aws003-aspid-5383-namespace/aws003-aspid-5383-default-group",Actions="quicksight:ListIngestions","quicksight:DeleteDataSet","quicksight:UpdateDataSetPermissions","quicksight:CancelIngestion","quicksight:DescribeDataSetPermissions","quicksight:UpdateDataSet","quicksight:DescribeDataSet","quicksight:PassDataSet","quicksight:DescribeIngestion","quicksight:CreateIngestion"

An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the UpdateDataSetPermissions operation: Resultant state of ResourcePermissions on this resource is not supported.

I want to know why dataset id:01fb096d-c012-47cf-b903-7d974f4685fb get this error.

We’re having the exact same issue :thinking:

We’ve used both the Owner level permissions, expanded set,


and Viewer level permissions, view only set:


Also seems the same thing is happening over here too: Invalid request provided: Resultant state of actions on this resource is not supported

But also no real answer, especially if we use the skeleton’s / recommended configs :thinking:

Any ideas???

Hello @yanbo!

Can you try the solution suggested in this post if you are still having this issue:

I am going to archive this topic since it has been open for an extended period of time. If you would still like assistance with this, or if you have a new QuickSight question, feel free to post a new topic in the community so you will be at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!

Hey @d4rkd0s , welcome to the Quicksight community!

If you are still running into this problem and the post above didn’t fix the issue, could you repost your question as a new topic to bring it to the top of the community?