API of Save As

Is there an api to enable “save as” function of Dashboard?

Hello @liwmin,

I believe as of now, we don’t have api for Save As. You can just refer to the below post answered by max, if the other work around helps you.

“You should be able to do with describe dashboard definition and then use that to create a new analysis.”

Thank you,

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Hi @shravya - Yes you are correct, there is no save as for dashboard. However can we also explore the export job where we can export the assets and I believe dashboard as well. ( Although I never tried this but from documentation we can export and import the assets by these apis).


Regards - Sanjeeb

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Thanks @shravya
In fact, I would like to default the ‘save as’ function to be enabled. Is this possible?

Hey @liwmin,

Save As is specific to each dashboard. For the dashboard owner, Save As is enabled by default, but it doesn’t apply to others unless you enable save-as option to save your dashboard as an analysis.

If you wish to grant permission to others for saving your dashboard as an analysis, you need to use the QuickSight console. Once you grant permission, it will remain in effect until you revoke it.

Thank you,

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