ARN of Data Source Vs ARN of Dataset

Hi All, A very Good Morning/Evening.

I have created a dashboard using 5 individual datasets which are in S3 Csv files and connected to Quicksight. I am migrating that dashboard + all 6 datasets ( from Dev to QA ). I am able to got the info of ARN of datasets


What is the ARN of Data source? & How will it be diff from ARN of dataset?. Same or Different

HI @Venkat.Metadata
as datasource and dataset are two different objects, i would assume the ARN will be different to.


Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) uniquely identify AWS resources


Thanks @ErikG for the info, Would pls tell where i get ARN of Data Source like ARN of dataset like below or any article


Do we need to migrate the data source also when we are migrating datasets + Analysis + Dashboard?

Option 1:

Option 2: