Athena CloudWatch Metrics Connector only returns data from the past trailing 15 days

I want to pull in CloudWatch Metrics data points into QuickSight, so I have set up an Athena CloudWatch Metrics connector:, but when I try to set up a dataset that queries the metric_samples table, the earliest data point that gets returned is from 15 days ago.

I see from the CloudWatch UI that more data exists past 15 days ago.

I also know that CloudWatch retains the metric data based on the period of the datapoint:, but if I try to query for data points with periods > 60 seconds, I get no results.

How can I set up a dataset in QuickSight which has CloudWatch metrics data points older than 15 days?


Welcome to the QuickSight community.

Have you tried it querying cloudwatch data from Athena console. Can you please check whether data at specific granule and time window beyond 15 days available in table by SQL query from Athena console .

Anwar Ali

Thanks for the tip! I had tried queries with period != 60 and period > 60 which did not work. But once I tried a query with period = 300, I was able to get older data points.