When trying to query data from athena data source using in order to feed a SPICE dataset, I get an error with the custom sql editor in Quicksight alerting something went wrong and doesn’t provide any other info to investigate.
The query executed fine in athena side with no errors or limitations.
Trying to convert the query to an athena view didn’t fix it.
The only change I did in the current version of the query is adding a WHERE part saying: date(date_parse("cDate",'%m%d%Y')) >= date_trunc('YEAR', current_date - interval '1' year)
I know athena engine is upgraded to #3, but can be the cause of it? and how can I get more info about it?
Hi @amico ,
1/ Can you paste a screenshot of the error ?
2/ Does the query not run only when you have the where clause ? ( try select count(1) from table and check if that works ?? )
Now I see it doesn’t run also in the current version without the WHERE part.
The weird part is that the dataset is scheduled to be refreshed each day and it executes just fine.