We are required take automated backups for the analysis and dashboard (at the folder level would be beneficial for us) so that we do not loose any changes in our analysis and dashboard.
Can you please provide any solution for the mentioned functionality.
what kind of loos do you want to handle? Unintentional overwriting or technical loss?
But i am not aware of a backup function. You could build something with QuickSight API (daily/hourly extract of analysis definition) and a repository like Git, where you upload the definitions.
Hey. Thank you, @Arpit6075, for bringing up this topic. I’d like to express my support for implementing such a feature.
We’re planning to set up a similar system later this year (because of unintentional resource overwriting / deletion or technical loss, like, e.g., disaster recovery). We’re opting for an event-driven approach rather than a scheduled job, leveraging CloudTrail events. However, I have concerns about the autosave feature in analyses potentially generating an excessive number of update events. So we probably need to figure out how to implement an event aggregation mechanism.
BUT, having a built-in backup functionality in QuickSight would be incredibly valuable. It would allow us to focus more on driving business value rather than getting bogged down in infrastructure maintenance.
I am not sure about the analysis version restore. However there is an existing option to restore dashboard version.
You can check dashboard published version using cli and you will be able to find all older published versions as well. I believe you can at any point of time change the dashboard published version.
And if you have a dashboard published version older that the current one and have save as access, you would able to regenerate the analysis as well.
However if you are planning a scheduled event or trigger event, you may use asset-bundle-export to export a .qs zip of the dashboard as a packaged solution. You can use this to recreate the dashboard package afresh. But as per my knowledge this is limited to one dashboard at a time and may not be applicable to backup at folder level.