Automatically switch off Preview

Is there really not an option to switch off preview as a global setting? We are just loading up Redshift, Athena (with this building up unnecessary costs) for no reason, to be honest. Maybe this can be added as a feature request. Thank you!



Hi @matjazz - Yes, it should be treated as a feature request.

Hi @duncan @Max @Wakana - Can you please help on this?

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hi @matjazz
but isnt it helpful to see the data loaded into QS to define the dataset? e.g. you are creating a calculated field in the dataset. you can not verify the result in case “auto-preview” is off. you have to turn it on anyway.

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Hi, we have such queries that are not able to load, mainly anyhow. Therefore, they just appear three times (that how many it loads for one edit of Dataset, I guess it should be ok to load only once) in Redshift or Athena and cause queue. Therefore, switching preview off is a must for us.

I know that the query for preview is limited just when you have a multi-statement query. This is not the way to limit it, as it needs to go over the first few steps anyhow and, in the end, is canceled.

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:heavy_plus_sign: +1 to this request

We often access the dataset to review the query or simply edit it (a query that has already been validated in Athena and that eventually only needs to be pasted to update the dataset).
This generate unnecessary query executions, with the consequent cost in Athena (and S3 if applicable)

Maybe It could be an implementation that ‘remember’ when data preview was turned off. In our case, if this functionality were available, we might default to turning everything off and let only users who need it activate it. As mentioned earlier, this would help avoid unnecessary costs :+1:


Hi @tito - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for providing this suggestion. I am tagging @Kristin to help on this and engage product team to look at this feature.

Hi @Kristin - Can you please engage QS team to have a look on this. I believe it should be feature request.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hi @tito and @Sanjeeb2022. Sanjeeb, thanks for reaching out. I have marked this as a feature request. Thanks! :slight_smile: