Average is not being done as expected upon aggregation

Hi all!
Finally figured out how to calculate the metric I intended here (Calculating accuracy metric using stdevpOver) on a hourly level but when I aggregate field I expect it to return an average as the following:

  1. MASE to the hourly level (correct and validated)

  2. MASE aggregation collapsed by C (correct and validated) - Expected value = 1.26

  3. MASE aggregation collapsed by B and C (incorrect) - Expected value = 1.15

Thank you so much for all the help in advance! I will gladly share more details in private (including formulas and data).


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To view roll-ups for calculated fields, make sure that you are using aggregates. For example, a calculated field with field-1 / field-2 doesn’t display a summary when rolled up. However, sum(field-1) / sum(field-2) does display a roll-up summary. Also, verify the field-well has the correct aggregate.

Thank you for reaching out with your question. For issues or bugs of this nature, please contact QuickSight support here



@drpeter Thank you for reaching out.
I am aware that I need to sum the fields to have a roll-up summary but I am afraid I can’t do it due to the nature of the formulas. I would like to share more details if you reach me on slack or chime @jmaido


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