Avg nested with percentileContOver not giving expecpted results

Hello everyone,

I am using quicksight demo dataset “Sales Pipeline” to explain the issue.

First: calculate the median of “Forecasted Monthly Revenue” in each Region and Segment combination, which is in the following screenshot.

Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 2.45.15 PM

Next: calculate average in each Region, I did it in excel for comparison

Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 2.49.05 PM

When I trying to do it using this calculated field

    percentileContOver({Forecasted Monthly Revenue}, 
    [Region, Segment], 

What I get is in the following screenshot, it’s different from excel calculation, you can verify manually as well.

Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 2.53.20 PM

Also tried this formula

    percentileContOver({Forecasted Monthly Revenue}, 
    [Region, Segment], 

Both give the same results

Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 3.02.24 PM

What did I miss here?


I figured out the reason.

P50 values will be assigned to all rows. When avg function is called, it actually calculates average across all rows (for the region+segment) instead of unique region+segment combinations (3 values).