AVG Time status

Hello Team,

I have the list of Order IDs and each Order Id has 3 unique statuses NEW/IN PROGRESS/CAPTURED or DECLINED

Could you please help me to calculate:

  1. AVG time in SEC and MSSEC from NEW status to COMPLETED or DECLINED for exact Order ID?
  2. AVG time in SEC and MSSEC from NEW status to COMPLETED or DECLINED for all trx in general?
  3. Max time to approve trx (from NEW to CAPTURED or DECLINED)
  4. Min time to approve trx (from NEW to CAPTURED or DECLINED)
  5. How many trx have IN PROGRESS for more than 5 seconds

Thank you in advance!

Hi @weird_guy

You can achieve this using calculated fields

Start Time by Order

End Time by Order

Time to Complete

Visualize using the Avg, Min and Max


@Giridhar.Prabhu Hello
You are wizard!

Thank you!!!