AWS QuickSight Q

Hello Everyone,

How can I enable supporting visuals in AWS QuickSight Q?
When I try to ask questions, only one visual is visible.

Best Regards,

Hello Vaibhav,

Are you referring to QuickSight Q or Amazon Q in Quicksight ? could you share the screen shot ?
Are you checking as an author or reader ?

If you are using Amazon Q as Author pro while designing , you may get single and the appropriate visuals based on dataset. However, you may ask the Q to change the visual types as you desire to be added to Analysis and later publish to Dashboard.

As a reader pro, within your dashboard page you may ask Q and it may show multiple insights along with some chart that can be pinned.

Hope this helps a bit.

Thanks for sharing.

Hello @Deep ,

I am checking as the author pro. I want to know if using QuickSight Q will display multiple visuals instead of just a single one, as it currently does.

Best Regards,
Vaibhav Narwade.

Hello Vaibhav,

Yes thats correct, QuickSight will display only one visual for the question asked for Author at a time. However, You may ask another question to change the visual or you could manually change by clicking “change visual type”.

Hope this helps.


Hi @Deep ,

Yes, I understand, but I want it to display multiple visuals simultaneously. Please refer to the snapshot for your reference.


Hello Vaibhav,

The reference you have shared is from dashboard view as a reader and not author.
Its for reader -pro to have the insight and keep the visuals insight as pinboard.
Within Analysis ( build Visuals), you will get only one visual at a time which can be added to Analysis sheet and later can be publish as dashboard.

if you click on Dashboard page, you get Ask a question about …(your topic) and thus you see the insights as your screenshots.

Hope this clears some doubt.