Bug in DateMeasureField using Format, deploying through CloudFormation

Hey Guys, hope you’re doing great

We’re using CDK to create our dashboard and everything related to Quicksight.
We created our schema based on the Quicksight one (basically we did the Dashboard in the UI, then describe-dashboard-definition thanks to the CLI and put it in CDK)
It was going really smooth. We have it for 2 month already, but since this morning, everytime we try to deploy FROM SCRATCH (that’s important), it fails on a specific parameter.

I want to point out that resources created before, don’t have this issue since their not being updated, or created, since they’re existing already. So it worked before, no question about that. It’s really recent and new ones are not being created. Following are the informations:

We have a calculated field, that is called startDate, using this expression:
parseDate(replace(firstValue(createdAt, [createdAt ASC], [actionId]), "Z", ""), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS")

Then we have a visual, that is a simple table.
And in this table, we’re using this field in Values as a Date that we customise to look as a french date. With the format MMM D, H:mm:ss

So it looks like that:

    tableVisual: {
      chartConfiguration: {
        fieldWells: {
          tableAggregatedFieldWells: {
            values: [
                dateMeasureField: {
                  fieldId: "startDateField",
                  column: {
                    dataSetIdentifier: datasetName,
                    columnName: "startDate",
                  formatConfiguration: {
                    dateTimeFormat: "MMM D, H:mm:ss",

I voluntarily remove everything else because we know that it comes from that. Since removing

formatConfiguration: {
  dateTimeFormat: "MMM D, H:mm:ss",

from the schema makes everything work

When we’re deploying now, we got this error
startDateField can not have unAggregated format
PS: sheet/executionsSheet/visual/executionsListVisual/field/startDateField is the violated entity in the error log, so it’s definitely that.

Sure we could just remove this, but the date would be non french readable for our clients.

Does anyone has more infos about that ? Or about something that has changed ?

Thanks a lot

Up. It’s an important issue for our team. Any hint?

By the way, unrelated to this one but we have other issues, like now we cannot even access on the UI in the AWS console in a specific account that we tried to deploy recently.

When trying to access the UI we have

Create your QuickSight account

Something went wrong during signup

Even tho i’m not trying to do anything, just going into the service in the AWS console

(just guessing)
Maybe it is related to the new AWS IAM Identity Center integration is now generally available for Amazon QuickSight, it seems that bugs are happening more since the date of release (past week, 14/08)

Up !

We don’t have any solution for this Format of Date thing. If you guys have informations


Hello @hugob @spi !

If you are still running into this issue and don’t have a work around I suggest creating an AWS support ticket.

Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf.