Hi Amazon QuickSight Community,
I’m building a BI dashboard using Amazon QuickSight and want to know if there’s a way to import all Redshift tables in one click to streamline the process. Any guidance or best practices would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hello Dabhivijay,
First of all welcome to the QuickSight Community.
With one Click importing all tables i think its not possible. Anyhow, I think before talking about tables i would recommend to understand how QuickSight connects with Databases or backend. i.e either direct query or SPICE.
See the best practices for either way here - Best practices for Amazon QuickSight SPICE and direct query mode
Hope this gives some idea and lets you strategise the approach.
Thank you.
I know how to import datasets into QuickSight using Redshift. After importing all datasets, I create relationships for all Redshift tables and then build the Gen BI Dashboard using Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Q.
Hi @Dabhivijay - You can create a custom script and using quicksight boto3, you can import all tables of Redshift to QuickSight. This is a custom solution, however it is possible. See the boto3 create dataset documentation below.
Regards - Sanjeeb
build the Gen BI Dashboard using Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Q any blog or tutorial ?.
Hello Dabhvijay,
Thats awesome you are aware of importing all the dataset. so basically you will join all the needed dataset accordingly to design the dashboard with a single dataset or bring in multiple data set within the analysis to design the dashboard ?
Ultimately , i assume your goal is to achieve GenBI capabilities with the final dataset.
if yes you will need to create a topic based on the dataset eventually for Q&A.
you could also add multiple dataset while creating a topic but i would avoid unless i know the ultimate join link would give be accurate answers.
Hope this gives some idea.
@Deep How to publish Dashboard in Cross-region in global aws account ?
Hey Dabhivijay,
I would recommend to have a separate thread for different question so that other colleagues/experts can also look into to provide answers.
Marked @Deep 's response as solution.
Agree with the suggestion made to ask additional unrelated questions in a fresh post.
Arun Santhosh
Pr QuickSight SA