Hello there - I’m trying to build a trend graph to reflect the month on month increase of unique users count as of YTD Month (eg. Jan, YTD Feb, YTD Mar,etc.,). X axis will be tool_usage_date (aggregate :Month) and Y axis will be unique users incremental count on monthly basis. Based on my current use-case, the total_users_count is a calculated field that sums the unique users count using multiple tools. eg. Tool1_users = distinct_countIf({userid},{tool_name}=‘tool1’); Tool2_users = distinct_countIf({userid},{tool_name}=‘tool2’); Total_users_count = {Tool1_users}+ {Tool2_users);
Could you advise how I can build an incremental unique users count on month on month basis that doesn’t sum the monthly count but applies the YTD unique count to build the MoM increase trend? Please refer to the attached file for example data and expected trend views.
Please let me know for any additional details required? Thank you!