Can a quicksight Q topic asnwer a question by cominbining data from two datasets even though there is no primary relation?

Can a quicksight Q topic asnwer a question by cominbining data from two datasets even though there is no primary relation ?

For example

In one data set I have the following :slight_smile:

Rows consist of company names
Columns consist of spend on different products for each of those companies

Company Prisma O365
A $200. $3000
B $20. $400

I have another dataset

Category Product
Productivity O365

I want to ask Quicksight Q this question :slight_smile:

Which company is the highest spend in productivity applications ?

Hi @webmonk,

Productivity and Company have to be in the same dataset, so you’ll have to join your 2 datasets.

Hi, I’ll mark Davids response as a solution. Let us know if have any additional questions.
Thank you.