My user wants to display something if no data available for the view. Is it possible in QS?
Hi @RAHUL_singh1,
Is there something specific that you/they would like displayed or is it more that they do not like the way ‘No data’ looks?
What factors affect this visual that will cause the ‘No data’ to visualize? Does it pop up from one specific reference or multiple?
@Brett - That’s a good question.
One of the factors i remember is, I assume that you are using Row-Level Security (RLS), and based on the permissions, some users can see the data in the dashboard while others may see “No data.”
Unfortunately, as of now, QuickSight does not provide a built-in feature to customize the “No data” message displayed in visuals when no data is available. This is because the “No data” message is an internal response generated by QuickSight when it fails to retrieve any data based on the applied filters, parameters, or permissions.
Thank you,
The purpose of this view is to review one of our monthly processes. Every month, we refresh the QS dataset. Sometimes, no data is selected due to the filters applied to the view. In these instances, we would like to display a meaningful message to the user. @shravya
@RAHUL_singh1 - okay, gotcha.
No, there is no such feature to put a custom message in place of “No data”.
Thank you,
As a workaround, I sometimes adapted the dataset to have rows with 0 rather than no data at all. In many cases I only had to add one “Fallback” row per user with only 0 values and then I added an OR condition to all filters (something like “OR type_of_row=Fallback”).
Hi @RAHUL_singh1,
Did the work around provided above work for your case? I’ll go ahead and mark this as a feature request as well to promote visibility to the support team. Let us know if you have any additional questions or comments to add. Otherwise, if we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.
Thank you!
@Brett , this topic can be closed.