Can we use multiple dataset for multiple screen in one single dashboard?

I have a dashboard which contains 3 sheets named as sheet 1, sheet 2 and sheet 3 and I have 3 dataset dataset a, dataset b and dataset c.
My question is can i use dataset A for sheet 1 only, dataset B for sheet 2 only and dataset C for sheet 3 only?
If yes how can I do that or suggest an alternative for that.

Hi @Moheed
yes you can. Although all datasets are in one analysis, which ones are used depends on which fields are used in the visuals.
From a dashboard user point of view it doesnt matter.

Can you guide me more on that?
I have same columns in all the dataset but the value in rows are different

In the dataset area of the analysis you can select which dataset you are using right now.
For you should be A, B, C visibile.
If you select A you get the corresponding fields in the field list. These you have to use on sheet 1.
For sheet 2 you have to select data B only.