Can we use single user ARN for the internal web app to embed a dashboard?

Can we use single user ARN to embed a dashboard in an internal web app used by many app users?

Link to this thread: Clarification on Quicksight Session Capacity Pricing for anonymous embedding - #15 by debapc

@Srikanth_Baheti @debapc FYI,

Thanks @xoapit for creating a new question!

As mentioned in the thread tagged by you, it is violation of QuickSight licensing model to use single user for embedded scenarios, to control miss use of our licensing we have throttling in place if we see patterns of misuse based on our monitoring. This is not part of our documentation as such as of today.

Please share the support ticket so that QuickSight team (@Srikanth_Baheti ) can take a look at the response and provide proper guidance. Thanks!

I’ll mark this as a Solution.

Hi @xoapit,

I am working with customer support. Will keep you posted.
