Cancelling QS subscription without deleting QS account

i’m wondering if it’s possible to cancel QS subscription without deleting QS account? Besides my professional account, i have 1 private which i’m not using on daily basis and would like to avoid extra costs.

I’ve founds this article only:

Thanks in advance!

Hello @Rad, I don’t think there is a way to accomplish exactly what you are looking for but I think there are some good alternate options. What I would suggest is that you get the resource definitions and permissions from your QuickSight account and store them as JSON files in an S3 bucket. Then you can terminate your account while still maintaining the resources you want for future use that can be imported into a new account.

There are 2 pretty good options for utilizing the QuickSight APIs to complete this. The first option is to use DescribeAnalysisDefinition and DescribeAnalysisPermissions (swapping analysis for Dashboard, Dataset, Datasource, etc. when needed), to get the JSON files for those definitions and store them for later. I would recommend naming your definitions and permissions file for each asset with the ID that corresponds to make your life easier.

The alternative would be to use the boto3 Asset Bundle Export Job function. I normally use the first option I suggested, but this also seems like a good option for your use case.

I will mark this as the solution for now, I think this is the best option available for what you are hoping to accomplish. Thank you!

Thanks @DylanM i’ll definitely give it a try, thanks!

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