Cannot remove an "Applied Filter" from a visual

I have a visual that does not show data even though there is definitely data that matches the filters I have defined for my analysis.
When I click on the little filter symbol on the top right of my visual, I see something that seems to indicate that I have filtered for a particular date:

I don’t seem to be able to get rid of that filter.

Hi @reneweis

Looks like you are performing drill down operation in that visual. Drilldown are also similar to filters, which lets users to focus on specific date/time or data point.
Check if any drilldown being performed in analysis and drop it. or try creating a new visual and add fields and check if that works.

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Thanks Ashok, the visual was not associated with any explicit drill-down functionality. The way I fixed it in the end was by removing the dimension affected by the filter (date) and re-adding it again.
Because I don’t know how this issue came about, I hope it won’t happen often.

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