Hi! I can’t sign in. it showed this. Can you help me?
Can't log in.Something doesn't compute We couldn't verify your sign-in credentials. Please try again
Hi @ztao39 - This kind of issues, your QuickSight Admin can help you.
- Are you logging to QuickSight for the first time?
- What is the mechanism of logging to QuickSight, did QuickSight is integrated with any SSO solution.
- Can you also clear cache or cookies and try again.
In case of first time, please connect with your admin to delete your user id and recreate it and try again.
Regards - Sanjeeb
I have a user getting the same error. Another admin removed their account and we re-added as new. We get this error. I’m an admin and have the rights to fix this based on your recommendations. We just added the user directly in Quicksite under manage users, no tie in to a IDP or Active directory.