Cascading filter does not carry original visual filters to the new filtered visual

I am linking a visual to another one by a filtering action, meaning that when clicking on one of the field of the first visual, another one (second visual) is filtered only showing the values containing that field. The first visual itself contains some basic filters affecting only that visual.
The issue I encounter is that the filter on the second visual is not keeping all the basic filters contained in the first visual, but only the cascading filter field, so, when I use the cascading filter action, the data I see are different in the 2 visuals.
Is there a way to keep all the original filters from the first visual in the second one?

Hi @PanePane,
I believe that you will have to apply the filters from visual 1 so that they are also affecting visual 2.
Select Visual 1 and go to the edit filter section. Switch the ‘Applied to’ to Sheet instead of visual. Then, right underneath that, you can select which visuals within the sheet you’d like to apply them to. Hit the slider to turn on custom visual select and then you can just select visual’s 1 and 2 (see below).

Let me know if this helps for your case or if you have any additional questions!

Hello @Brett ,
This option seems not to work, due to the fact that the action-activated filter is dynamic (cascading to visual 2 only when clicking on one of the fields), while setting the basic filters as you mentioned affects the 2 visuals “statically” (2nd visual will be filtered as default on some fields). I don’t know if I explained clearly my issue, but I would like all the filters from visual 1 to transfer to visual 2 so to see same data-group when action filter is triggered.

Hi @PanePane,
Yes, I understand the case. Without attaching those filters from visual 1 to visual 2 though, there’s no way for visual 2 to filter.
This may be a bit easier to assist if you were to include some additional data (and screenshots of your 2 visuals if possible). What type of fields are you using in visual 1, what field are you using as the filter action? What filters are you trying to keep for the second visual?

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Hello @Brett ,

I attach some screenshots and add some details hoping this would be more useful.

I am using a dataset containing a set of order ids (1 row=1 order id), each one with a status (status can be either 1 or 0). For orders with 0 as status, a root-cause is added as information, always at order level. Root cause in case of status 1 is always null, because it is not required, while root cause in case of status 0 can be null if user forgets to add it.

I have a 1st visual which shows the frequency of each root cause, only filtered to orders with status 0 (this includes some “null”, because of what said before):

Then I have the 2nd visual which is a table with all order details (including status and root-cause,without any filter):

When the user try to get the order_id details of orders with status 0 and “null” root cause by clicking on the 1st visual slice in order to filter the second visual:
filter trigger

It happens that the 2nd visual (table) shows all the order ids filtered on “null” root cause, but not only the ones with status 0, also those with status 1. So the count of the orders is different from the one shown in the 1st visual (i.e. the one giving the 58%).

I hope this was more clear and maybe to find a solution.

Many thanks!

Hi @PanePane,
Thanks so much for the additional information for context! Are you using a parameter to manage visual 1 to switch between status 1 or 0? What if you applied a filter to visual 2 for ‘trip_status’ to equal the status parameter?

Hello @Brett ,

my visual 1 is filtered with a filter, not a parameter, since the status of data visualized in it should always be 0 and never be changed.
If I set it as a parameter and the filter on visual 2 to equal this parameter, I am afraid that visual 2 will always display only status “0” data, due to the fact that parameter on visual 1 does never change. Am I wrong?

Hi @PanePane,
Ok understood! No, you are correct! While there’s no quick, direct way to currently achieve this in QuickSight, I put together a work around solution in Arena view for you to see [linked here](Cascading filter does not carry original visual filters to the new filtered visual).
Once opened, you can hit the ‘copy’ button on the left side to open up in analysis view to see how I put together.

The data is a bit different but should act in the same way. I started by adding parameters for the 2 measures being used here; yours would most likely be for root cause and trip status (set default for each to ALL_VALUES.
Then you’ll want to set up an action on your donut chart visual (it will have to be navigation sicne you’re using 2 parameters). Attach your 2 parameters to the action - For your ‘trip status’ one, you’ll want to make it custom and put in ‘0’.

Next, for the table visual, you’ll want to add filters for each of the parameters (make them equal to the parameter value for each). Then, add an action (navigation again) to your table visual; add your two parameters but set the value to ‘All’. That way, when you’re finished viewing the filtered information on table 2, click anywhere on the table and it will return back to normal.

Let me know if this works for your case or if you have any additional questions!

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Hello @Brett,
this work-around is solving my issue, many thanks for this.

Anyway, I hope that Amazon will develop a solution to customize cascading filters soon, due to the UI being far better and more intuitive if using that function (i.e. the filtered root cause is highlighted in the visual and to un-filter it you can simply click-back on the selected root cause).

Thanks again for the support,

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