Change Paginated reports repeating section title

I’m trying to figure out how to change a repeating section title or do other styling with in the repeating section.

I don’t see any title properties when editing the section or repeating section.

thanks for any tips…

Hi @halirob section does not have title property but you can add one using text box inside the section as in the following example. You can also use the dimension parameter, a special parameter that can be only used in a repeating section, to display which of the repeating dimension instance is currently displayed in the section. Let me know if this helps.

how did you add the aws:repeatingdimension1 in the title?
The only thing I can add in to the text box is a dashboard parameter.


@halirob When you place a text box inside a repeating section, the editor menu has the repeating dimension button. From there, you can choose any of the dimension you configured for the repeating section.

thank so much, I am surprised i missed that…