Change Q Topic based on current dashboard


I am a new QuickSight Q user and am currently working on building out a variety of topics to complement the existing suite of Dashboards we have. I am wondering if there is a way to make it so that the selected topic in the Q search bar automatically changes when opening a certain dashboard.

For example, if I open the “Sales Dashboard”, I would like the Q Bar to switch to the “Sales” topic (assuming the user has access). Or if I open the “Vendors Dashboard”, I would like the Q Bar to switch to the “Vendors” topic.

Is this currently possible with Quicksight Q?


Thank you for your question. At the moment, this is a manual process. If you are embedding QS dashboards in separate pages, you can enable a corresponding Q Topic.

Hello, we are currently working on this feature and will keep you posted once released.


Hello! @TheCardlessMoose we launched a feature to allow you to connect a topic to a dashboard (outside of just embedded use case which we previously supported). Check out our blog to read more and let me know if you have any questions: New – Announcing Automated Data Preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q | AWS News Blog