Co-owner of a dashboard unable to access the Dataset “Edit” option in the analysis. All they see is a replace option. Attached a screenshot of what they are seeing. Could someone shed some insight on fixing this?
You also need to make them co-owner of the dataset so that they can edit it. The co-owner of the dashboard can edit the dashboard but not edit the datasets that are used in the dashboard.
How do I make them a co owner of the dataset? I did not find an option to do that when I click on edit dataset.
Are you the owner of the dataset? If you are, go to the Permissions tab of the dataset, click on “Add Users & Groups”, select the user you want to make owner and select “Owner” in the Permissions column.
So I did create the dataset based of a backend redshift table. However, I still don’t see any option to view permissions for a dataset. Attached a Screenshot.
Do you not have access to the Permissions tab shown in my screenshot? When you go to your list of datasets and click on a specific dataset, you should see 4 tabs:
- Summary
- Refresh
- Permissions
- Usage
Thanks @David_Wong . Hi @abhishekravva - To get the datasets, you can click datasets in the left panel and follow David’s suggestion. See the below image.
Hope this will help in to fix this issue.
Regards - Sanjeeb
Thank you David and Sanjeeb! your suggestions helped. However I still had to provide data source access in addition to the dataset access.
Datasource access via - Datasets > New dataset > Database Name > Share data source > Invite users
@abhishekravva So glad to hear that David and Sanjeeb’s suggestions help. If this is resolved, can you help the Community out by marking this as Solved (clicking the check box under one of the replies)? Thanks!