Color by Bar Position and Not by Field [Dynamic Viz Color]

I have a dashboard where data gets updated periodically. In the example Funnel Chart below, I want to fix colors by waterfall bar position and not by fields. The top bar should always be a dark green color, even if Fair values become greater than 179 and take the top position next week. Similarly, the 3rd bar should always be the lightest shade of green, even if the 3rd position gets taken by Fair values next week. The gradient-ish color progression should stay fixed at all times regardless of value changes.

I want to apply the same concept to all kinds of bar charts. How do I do this? Thanks.

Hello @azratuni

Thank you for visiting Quicksight Community.

You can add a calculated field based on values.
Eg : ifelse( value >= 179, ‘top’, value >= 93 and value <= 93 , ‘medium’, ‘bottom’)

Then use this calculated field for your visuals and set the color.
Please let us know if this doesn’t work.

@rajencho hello, thanks for taking the time to reply. The solution you provided works for current visualization only. My dashboard data updates periodically, I have no way of knowing what the range will be with the next update.

For example, let’s say I have a Funnel Chart that shows count per category. This week the counts look like below:

Category Count
Television (TV) 25
Refrigerator 18
Mobile Phone 40
Laptop 15
Personal Computer (PC) 10
Router 8

By the count above, Mobile Phone would be top bar and I would be able to specify by range. But next week, it could look like this:

Category Count
Laptop 150
Television (TV) 75
Refrigerator 54
Mobile Phone 120
Personal Computer (PC) 20
Router 16

By the values of updated data, Laptop would be the top bar, and the range I specified previously wouldn’t work. With the update, the colors of my Funnel Chart would be a mess and wouldn’t make much sense.

This is the problem I have.

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Thank you for sharing additional details.

In this case you can create a Rank based calculated field .

Later use this rank field in your visualization. By this way, your top value ill be always rank 1, and remaining in descending order.

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@rajencho thanks for your reply. The aws quicksight documentation linked to your latest reply has nothing about colors. I can always show ranks in visualizations by using ASC or DESC sort and grouby. What I would like to do is, have more control over the visualization colors; exactly what I wanted to know.

Hi @azratuni,
It’s been awhile since last communication on this thread, were you able to find a work around for your case or are you still encountering the same issue?

As this feature does not seem to be available yet, I will mark this as a feature request to promote visibility to the support team!

Let us know if you have any additional questions, if we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!


Hello Brett, still having the same issue. Please mark this as a feature request.


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No problem, I have marked as a feature request.

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