Column expansion and contraction

can someone help me in setting up column expansion and contraction like we have do for rows in pivot tables, basically + and - signs for above columns as well.

In my picture - for example I want to group first columns together and then next 4 together and so on. Some values fields might be calculated fiels as well or directly from dataset as well.

I want to know how could this be done.

Thank you

Hi @karvsha,

When you format your pivot table, select the “Tabular” option instead of “Hierarchy”. I’m not sure if that’s what you mean by “column expansion and contraction”.

Hey David,

thanks for replying - but no I dont mean that. I meant is there a way to group the values columns which you see in the picture ?

Hi @karvsha,

There’s no feature to group the values but I’ve seen people use text boxes as workaround. In the screenshot below, “Group 1”, “Group 2” and “Group 3” are text boxes that I placed above the pivot table. You have to resize them and manually line them up with your columns.

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Okay thank you, does not solve my question.

However I ended up doing multiple overlapping visuals and select them with a parameter control and have a rule along with each visual when to show or hide according to the selection.