I’m building a dashboard for a conference where I want to see how the number of active participants on a mobile app used by the event is trending compared to last year. The challenge is that the event is a day later compared to last year. So I can’t rely on the descriptions here on working with the date field.
Which needs to be made to represent something like this:
Which can then be visualised like this:
TLDR: I’m not sure how to make the " Number of Days before the event" field to active users across both events even though they are on different dates.
Hi @duncan thanks for the idea. I’m not sure if that would work as addDateTime enables me to add a specific number of days to a date as far as I understand?
Whereas what I need is the difference between two days as a column e.g. how many days is there between the Activation Date and the Event Creation Date.
I can then turn that into a cumulative count to know how many users were active 1, 2, 3, 4 days before the event.